Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, 2011

It was an action packed week back East. We had a wonderful time with friends and family (although we missed Auntie Sue too much). I'll let the pictures do the talking.
I have to add a great big thank you to Carter and Ken for putting us up and being such amazing hosts. Nobody puts together a party like Carter!

It all started with an epic BBQ! Sulli and Evan finally met and got along famously!

I went a little crazy taking pictures of Emily because she is painfully cute!

Sulli's naked butt. He still drops trou whenever water is present.

So sweet

My beautiful Mother

Yeah she is a younger woman, but Sulli knows a hottie when he sees one

Got my Supe bracelets. I know he probably wouldn't have made the party even if he was still alive, but man I missed him.

I think Sulli was naked at least 90% of the time that day.
Loving on Auntie Taylor
Kutch, the cutest dog since Maddie

About to take on the waves at Sandbridge Beach.

Mound-y type sand castle thing

He loved the beach, a lot more than I thought he would. He was very sad when we left.
Birthday, Thomas style!
Sulli hearts Tate

Tate is a beauty
The balloons may have been his favorite present
Kids table
Jack ate an entire pineapple
Playing with sand we brought back from Sandbridge with the awesome buckets Auntie Sue sent down.

Smith Mountain Lake
Sulli is reunited with his Great Mimi.
Thank goodness Grandpa John got Sulli easily transportable tracks for uninterrupted chuffing!
Our boy is a bit obsessed
Great Mimi and 'her dog'

This picture kills me. Sulli loves Grandpa John lots.
I'm on a boat beaaaaches!

I was able to share one of my favorite memories from my childhood with Sulli. These carp hang out at the Smith Mountain Marina (and have for at least the last 30 years) to eat popcorn. Seriously, popcorn. The marina sells the popcorn and the fish go batshit!
A couple of seriously brave ducks got in on the popcorn action.

Give me popcorn! See you all next year!


  1. Sam had a great time seeing all the goings on that he missed. In one of the videos he said, Sulli looks like Michal there. You'll have to see if you agree. These pictures are - as usual - amazing. I need a whole book of them. Which I can make, can't I. Need to do that. Life is so quiet with you all gone. What a great week, it just went by too fast. Love you all! Give that sweet boy a hug from Mimi and Pop Pop.

  2. So I was finally able to watch all the videos and after i stopped crying i realized that there are no videos of the chuffing?? Can you help a sister out?

  3. I will try to get a good chuffing video up for the next blog. We just got Sulli quite a few more tracks and are picking him up a train table tomorrow (splinter surgery guilt) so I imagine the chuffing will be pretty epic.
