Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010

I looked in the garden today and our Cilantro and Dill are coming up! Having things grow and live inside is one thing, but seeing things grow outside makes me giddy. The trees are turning that bright, neon green of early spring, the mountains are greening up, and the sky is impossibly blue. Spring in Missoula, amazing!
Ben and I ran the Missoula Riverbank 10K yesterday and aside from having numb and frozen fingers, it was very nice. Ben did really well and I finished, so good times! We are almost half way through our training for the 1/2 marathon and I am hopeful that my knee will behave and let me run the race.
Sulli is obsessed with being outside these days, not that I can blame him. Every time we come home we have to hang out in the backyard for a while before he will let us come inside. He is also saying "bye bye" to just about everything he sees. "Bye bye boat. Bye bye car. Bye bye traco (tractor). Bye bye lettettet (elephant). Bye bye truck." It's hilarious.
The chickies are big enough to hang out outside for a while too now. Sulli is having a hard time being gentle with the chickies though and isn't at all alarmed by their screaming when he tries to pick them up, boys... Check out the video at the end to see how Sulli is saying 'water' these days. I have no idea how this started but it's pretty funny.

Sulli is choosing his own outfits now

Rainy day watching 'Bee Movie' with Julie

The chickies first outing!
Sulli is a little rough with the chickies, he tried to pick this one up by the neck after this.

Milk makes good cargo for Thomas
I gave Sulli a truly horrible haircut. Poor kid...
2 ducks!

Another rainy day...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010

We got chicks! 3 Buff Orpingtons and in the last two weeks they have gone from cute little puff balls to strange half feathered, gangly, prehistoric looking creatures. They enjoy peeping, and pooping, and perching on our fingers. Sulli thinks they are pretty cool and loves visiting his "chickies".
We also now have a worm composter filled with gooey red worms. They eat our trash and poop out compost, pretty cool.
Spring is trying to spring but is being thwarted by random snow storms. The weather is bi-polar.
Sulli had another developmental screeing and he is just slightly delayed in fine and gross motor skills, but well advanced cognitively. He is our clumsy genius baby!

Sweet little baby chicks
The worm composter
Icky worms
They squirm away from the light down to where the food is

Our starts for our herb garden are sprouting! I killed a bunch by knocking them over, bummer...
More chicks!

Feathering out
Okay, I am a little obsessed with the chicks, but they are so cute

Sulli likes kitty hugs much more than B does
This is after I asked him to smile for the camera. He's amazing!