Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17, 2013

We are all getting back into rhythm after our trip back East.  It was so great to see everyone and to get the kids together, even Zoey!  

Pre-trip hike with the pups

Sulli had his first sleepover last month.  He ended up in our bed and I ended up sleeping with Sage in his .
It was pretty funny.

We drove to Discovery and purchased lift tickets for me and Ben.  Sulli took one run, fell down 10 times, then said he was too tired and wanted to go home.  He was asleep before we got to the car.  Win some, lose some.

TV with Mimi

Tate and O

Thanks for sitting Auntie Taylor!

There is this place in VA called Monkey Joes.  It is full of giant inflatables.  Sulli had a blast.

Sulli, O, Jack, and Tate

Not sure about the hand gesture

The Elsey tongue is strong with this one.  But she uses it only for good.

Two beautiful ladies!

She's kind of perfect


Sulli love Olivia, Olivia love Sulli
He does the strangest poses for the camera these days

Kutch was a nice stand in for Cooper!

O and Grandpa John.  He is pretty smitten.
This may be my favorite picture ever

O has an uncanny ability to find the camera.  It's pretty adorable.
Drooling on Grandpa John's head is a blast!
Ken broke out his stash of matchbox cars.  They were a big hit!
Tubbie time!
Crap she is cute!

It was so fantastic to see Spencer, Sarah, Zoey, and Nemo! 

So cute!

Our little expert traveller.  He was pretty awesome on the planes.
We came home to spring-like weather and even a few flowers.

Sulli and Scarlet playing the ring game at Snowbowl.  We were laughing at how much Sulli was trying to duck the ring, but then he got nailed on he head by it and it all made sense.


Stellar dance party