Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9, 2013

Happy Fall everyone!

Evildoers beware!  Captain America in jammies and boots is coming for you!

For reals!

Ben and I went to a friends wedding in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere Montana this month.

We stayed in this sheep wagon
Ben just barely fit on the bed.  It was loud, and creaky, and full of bugs, but also kind of great.

Morning view from our sheep wagon.

We went for a bike ride on some crazy backwoods dirt roads with nothing in sight for miles

Nice to get home to this though

A friend got a bearded dragon.  Sulli was enamored.

What?!  I'm just standing next to this building eating a cookie with black lego ninja. 

Ballet has started again!

Sulli and this fine young man were talking at the park.  I overheard the little boy say "You're a piece of poop!"  To which Sulli replied, "Well you have poop in your pants and I'm walking around with a giant bag filled with my own pee."  The pee was to eventually spill onto the other boy evidently.  I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Navigating the corn maze!

Sulli and Eliot

Sulli and Cooper will go down in the history books as one of the great boy-dog relationships.

Hiking with the Blair boys

It was a beautiful day.  It's so nice to see snow on the mountains again!

Another walk with Sage and Ely

Sage's Mom, Heather, said we will use this one on their wedding invitations.

We came home to a marching band across the street.  So, of course, I grabbed Sulli's trumpet and we joined in.

Sulli has started piano, and true to form, he hates it.  I am hoping he will appreciate it someday.

A picture of Sulli on a rainbow, me and Ben blocked by a "wind wall", and Ben (who is on the right) having his belt put on by a fellow standing behind him.

Eventually I convinced Sulli to drop some ropes down to us and we joined him on top of the rainbow.

Looking for water bugs in freezing water.  Yep, that's Max in his undies.

Caught one!

Another drawing.  This one is of a machine that makes pants.

Fall is so beautiful

The boys enjoying dinner at our nook.  I love this table!
And Ben's company finished their first printer.  It is big, and awesome, and super impressive.  They are going to be huge!
Hey sisters!  Remind you of anything?


  1. That was the best video ever. But we didn't have any boxing gloves, we only used Daddys ski gloves as I recall. And Carter always won.

    1. Sage was laughing so hard she peed her pants, twice.

  2. I love the way Sulli was so careful not to actually ever hit Sage. What a guy. You guys live in a completely amazing place, by the way. Great pictures this time - even better than usual, if that is possible. Love you all.

  3. Replies
    1. I have Missoula to Portland fare watcher in my Travelocity account. Need to see you more!
