We are finally getting nice weather! Sunny and in the 60's! Sulli is enjoying being able to play outside without all the winter get-up and so are we.
We had a scary labor and delivery visit last weekend but Olivia is still staying put for now. Talk has changed to more concern of another early delivery which sucks but that just seems to be how I am. My body thinks that around 30 weeks is a perfect time to spit out a baby. I am hoping to make it to 32 weeks this time around so please think good thoughts for this big, crazy, unconventional family unit.

Horrible cold during this video! Luckily Sulli now understands that there is only 1 baby in my belly, but he does wonder what happened to "his baby" that used to be hanging out in there. Ben and I talk to him all the time about how this baby is his sister but will belong to his Aunt Carter and Uncle Ken. This is a tough concept for him but he has started telling other people when they ask about the baby that this baby belongs to his aunt and uncle.
A little something for the sisters!
This cracks me up!
I think he is almost ready for pedals!
We do "nannix" class every Tuesday, he loves it.
Shopping for dinner at the Children's Museum
Well, lots of news! You might call me the next time you have a labor and delivery visit. I'd like to stay in that loop. I am sending tons of positive thoughts your way. Thanks for the self portrait - I've never seen you pregnant, you know. Sulli is learning so many things! Exercising while seated, gymnastics, how to shop and not leave anything on the shelves (the grocery story is always the kids favorite part of the museum - even my college kids) and also I am glad to see that he understand the concept of the trinity. That really is a problem for a lot of people. Love you all.