You will have to forgive all of the tree and sky pictures, it was just a very beautiful fall here this year. Sulli and I are getting over one of the worst colds we have ever had. Poor Ben had to carve all of the pumpkins by himself with a little help from Sulli and moral support from me on the couch. Then a damn deer ate one of the pumpkins the first night we put it out!
Sulli and I have had lots of talks about the importance of washing hands and not touching our mouths and noses, but I don't know if he really understands the concept.
Sulli is really developing his arguing skills. Everything we ask him to do is immediately answered with a "well..." and some type of argument. For example, "Sulli, why don't you put your bath toys away?" "Well, I'm just going to sit here and watch you do it because I can't. Is that a deal?" And so on and so forth. It's fun...

Sulli was a purple butterfly unicorn for halloween. He picked this one out himself at the Goodwill. He rocked it.

He did like 4 blocks this year and feels ownership over the candy he amassed. He yells at me if I eat any of his candy. Google the Jimmy Kimmel halloween candy bit if you haven't seen it yet. Sulli definitely would have freaked out if he told him we ate all his candy!

Sulli's preschool had an art show at a downtown chocolate shop/deli. All the kids drew maps and gave artist statements about the maps. It was the cutest art show I have ever been to.

And we rolled into November with our first dusting. It was so nice to see snow again. The mountains are white and beautiful. We will be skiing in no time!
Tate says, Sulli, I hope you are having a good time with the snow. Did you have fun trick or treating? My costume was a vampire. I really like your art that you posted. Maybe we will see you next summer. Love, Tate.