Sulli has been seriously spoiled this Christmas and we can't thank you all enough! He is busy right now putting his giant Thomas train puzzle together, and then he will play with his plushy tractor, read his peanuts Christmas and Grandpa John bookies, put on his sweet tattoo shirt, play his piano, play with his McQueen leggos, ride on his sweet radio flyer ride-on thingy, party with his remote controlled big foot and tractor, send Thomas flying over his tracks, hug his new Babos, and pass out wrapped up in his elf hooded towel. This is a truncated list of the amazing presents he got from all of you this year. We can't tell you how much we appreciate all of the love we feel from all of you for our little dude! And, thank you all so much for the gifts you sent for Ben and I. We had a lovely Christmas and we hope you all did too. I really missed you all though.

Sulli and his "girlfriend" sage. He has a toy cell phone and I'll ask him who he is calling, he'll say "my girlfriend" and I'll ask him who his girlfriend is, and he says "Sage"
A local organization called Eleanor's Project has a fund raising party every year at the carousel downtown. During this party, carousel rides are free and unlimited! Sulli must have rode this thing 10 times. Eleanor's Project is pretty amazing, they go to developing countries and fit children in pediatric wheelchairs. Most developing countries don't have pediatric wheelchairs so kids are put in ill fitting adult wheelchairs, or are bed ridden. Without a properly fitted chair or head support, a lot of these kids don't develop speech since they can't get horizontal gaze which is a necessary part of speech development. Often, after being fitted in a proper chair, the kids start talking. It's an amazing organization!

Sulli drew this dinosaur. Really, he drew it all by himself and called it a dinosaur! I think it was a fluke since we haven't seen this skill emerge since, but it was way cool. It looks like a dino head, doesn't it?

I had a great movie of Sulli's first downhill-ish skiing experience but it didn't work for some reason. We packed him up to a good hill and he went down it about 3 times before requesting to get back in the pack. We are going to go up to snowbowl today and try the bunny hill. Movie to come, I hope!
This was a brain powered toy that one of Ben's classmates brought over for the media arts party we had at our house. I was amazed that Sulli wanted to try it and actually let us clip those thingys to his ears.
Mrs. Claus' nose ring is the shit!
I love our piano! Thank you all so much and have an awesome new year!
Thanks for a wonderful Christmas blog, although where is the mountain of ripped up wrapping paper? Isn't that a tradition? That sure looks like a dinosaur to me and I know why he thinks that looks like an angry face. Check a mirror next time you lose it. He is learning like a sponge - reading to Santa, skiing, playing the piano and he has a girlfriend. Good grief. Sounds like a great Christmas was had by all. Thanks for sharing it. We love you all. Mom/MB and Sam