Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7, 2010

Sulli's new things this month:
1. He made his first poopy in his potty! He doesn't really understand it though. He pooped, then looked at it and said "what that is?" Then, later, he tried to poop again and just made a face, pushed real hard, then hopped off the potty and said "where is poopy?" He's getting there though!
2. He has started having night terrors which suck.
3. He has started chewing on his hands to self soothe.
4. He thinks trick-or-treating is pretty awesome, but kept walking right into people's houses when they opened the door.

When I got this I must have said "Sulli, isn't this scary?" So he thinks that the thing's name is Scary. When we leave the house he says "bye Scary!" and when we get back home "hi Scary!"

Sulli and Max
Oh yes, he will ride!

Is there a baby GQ? This would be the cover.
Sulli and Sage

The chickies are molting, so they aren't laying eggs right now. Ben is not pleased because the chickies are now depositing mounds of poop AND feathers all over the yard, and they aren't earning their keep with eggs. At least they help winterize the garden!
Crazy pumpkin carving party
I love Andrew against the wall in this picture

Mine was supposed to be a monkey wearing a hat, pumpkin fail
No words
Me in my sweet 80's costume for work Halloween
Most of these leg warmers and leotards are my boss' (on the right) from the 80's. We were hot!

We had to use intense manipulation to get him into this costume (it was Molly's, he wouldn't even let me open the package of the garden gnome costume that I bought for him). He was a damn cute giraffe though!
I painted this for Molly's boy, Mason, for his birthday. I used shameless thievery again, but it turned out pretty good. Mason named him Bacco.
Tea time

Halloween 5K. Thank goodness Auntie Sue got Sulli this hoodie, got him in the mood a little bit! Thank you!
Ben found this at the Goodwill, amazing!
This is Ben's engineer outfit from his childhood. He screamed bloody murder, but I forced him into it for a pre-Halloween party.
I was a gypsy

Walking to the Day of the Dead Parade

I think almost everyone in Missoula was at the parade
The building in the back is the Wilma, it is a beautiful building and it is rumored that David Lynch lived in it when he lived in Missoula.

I love my town.

1 comment:

  1. He really is a bibliophile. Needs a T shirt stating such. The picture of Missoula is post card stuff. It is so beautiful. The 80s costume? That's my Jessica the way I remember her. Just need a few more pony tails at odd angles. Great pictures of sweet baby Sulli. Miss you all.
