I have heard that a few of you are having very hot springs, we are not. It has been a very cool and rainy spring so far with sparse sunshine. I really can't complain though, the sunny days are beautiful and as long as it isn't raining, the temperature allows one to wear short sleeve shirts or sweaters depending on how one feels, you know that weather, it's not bad. The hot is just around the corner I am sure.
Ben is doing amazingly well training for the 1/2 marathon this year. He just ran 14 miles today in a little over 2 hours! Why would you run 14 miles to train for a 13 mile race you ask? Good question! He's a nutter but I am proud of him. My knee still has me more or less side-lined, but I am still planning on run-walking the race and hopefully I will make it across the finish line before nightfall.
Sulli has learned a new favorite word, 'no'. He will say it 100 times in a row, no no no no no no no no no no no ... Sulli do you want some cheese? no. Sulli do you have poo? no (unreliable accuracy), Sulli do you want to take a bathy? no. It goes on and on. Trying to dress the little dude takes forever these days due to the constant no-ing. Do you want this shirt? no. How 'bout this one? no... You can go through the whole drawer before he decides on an outfit. Amazing how opinionated he is, can't imagine where he gets that from.

A great past time is picking up dirt from one spot in the yard and depositing it in another part of the yard. You should try it.

The lilacs had a tough time dealing with the early winter freeze and did not come back very well this year. They still smell wonderful though.

The chickies are turning into wild chickens. It takes a while of running around the yard with your arms outspread like a crazy person to wrangle them back into their coop these days. They are still sweet birds though.

Yeah that's right, I'm eating some hummus, deal with it.
Aw, Jessica, Sulli is getting SO CUTE! Even cuter than when he was a baby. And I'm jealous he was hanging out with Adrian and Josh! We need to come over there. Noah was gone for a month working and is coming back today ;) We'll have to make it over to Missoula soon and see you all. Thanks for blogging!
Great pictures. I see that books have become demolition derby tracks. I guess that had to happen. He is soooooo cuuuuute. The No's really won't last forever. Pretty soon he'll be using entire verbal essays to persuade you to do things his way. Any eggs yet? They are pretty chickens. Hugs to all.