Sulli and I went to our first Griz football game yesterday. It was cold and the fans were crazy, but the Griz dominated and I think we had a good time...
Missoula refuses to have any real snow this year, darned El Nino! But we are about to get our first snap of real cold, highs in the single digits with ridiculous wind-chills. We will have to find lots of things to do because Sulli doesn't like being stuck in the house.
We are going to get our tree today! I can't wait.
Sulli is saying words now. His favorite are Dada (#1 for sure), Mama, cheese, Babo (his ugly doll), din-din, Poo, Bee, and baby. It's amazing how much he is changing right now!
Love you all!
Jess, Ben, and Sulli

I love this one, Sulli pretending to be a Navy Seal

Ready for the Griz game!

Sulli having a good time???

Ookerbear and Bootsie, oops I mean June and Julie (who Sulli is now calling 'Bee')
Oh what wonderful pictures and videos. Thanks for the channeling of Ooker Bear and Bootsie. I think Sulli is beginning to look a bit more like Jess, but he is really his Dad's child. Such a busy little thing. And you have the most wonderful dog on the planet. And introducing him to the violence of football already! Did you stay for the whole game? Richmond has already been eliminated, so we are Griz fans this year. Love you all hug hug hug.