It has been another busy month. Sulli is in daycare now 2 days a week and everything seems to be going great. There are some pictures of Sulli and Tobin playing during daycare below. Tobin is a sweet little dude and has awesome 70's rocker hair!
Sulli is also walking now like a lunatic. He falls down about 30 times a day and watching him has become an entirely new experience. It's great though!
We moved Sulli's room from the room connected to our bedroom to his own 'big boy' room down the hall. The move went really well and Sulli seems to like his new room. It is nice not having to sneak through his room to get to our room at night, and to be able to talk instead of whisper when we are in our room
We all got the plague this month too which totally sucked, but we are finally all feeling a bit better. Sulli still has a snotty nose every morning though.
And we chose to put Maddie down this week after she bit Sulli in the face several times. It was horrible and totally not her fault. She never wanted to be around Sulli but once he was able to walk, he was too fast for her. He grabbed her and wouldn't let go, so she freaked out and bit him. Unfortunately, he still wouldn't let go so she bit him more. She was deaf too so couldn't hear me screaming at her. It totally sucked and I hate that we have any bad memories of Maddie. Sulli is just fine though, just some scratches and one little wound in his mouth that has healed up fine.
We love you all!
-Jess, Ben, and Sulli

Sulli loves his cell

But hates it when Mommy is in the bathroom

This was after the biting. Below his lip is just a gross, half chewed fig newton. New fun trick is chewing food and spitting in out.

Monster walking baby

Tobin, Sulli and Tasha (Jessica, our daycare ladie's 13 year old daughter)

Tobin and Sulli

Sad Sulli

Really sad

New room

new room

new room

old room

sweet new floaty!
Oh thank you for the new photos and video. He is so busy! Making those car sounds that little boys are born able to do. And a few glimpses of Maddie, bless her heart. What will you do with the room he has now vacated? So many possibilities. Love you all and I miss you. Hugs all around.