Friday, December 25, 2009

December 25 2009

Happy Holidays everyone! To say the Sulli did well this year for presents would be an absurdly gross understatement. We are surrounded with bright colorful plastic beeping music buttons wheels... toys! Aside from trying to figure out what to play with next, Sulli is as happy as a little dude can be.
We are happy too. We got wonderful gifts from all corners of the country and got to spend the morning with wonderful family. I can't seem to say enough though how much we miss the East coasters!
I made Mimi's fudge pie last night, well pies, I made 4 of them. They are so good and will from now on be our presents to our neighbors and friends cause really nothing much in this world is better. Thank you Mimi!
Ben and I got a new and very nice camera for each other this year. It rocks!

This was our big present for Sulli, we got it at Goodwill and Benny fixed up the wood and I made
him a new mane and tail.

Santa Max

Sulli on Christmas morning

Mimi and Poppop reading Twas the Night Before X-mas.
Meeting pony for the first time
Maybe he'll get on...

Who doesn't love zombies?
New Shoes Wishing for snow...
Loves great g-ma
And G-ma

Version 1.0 and 2.o
Hey, this pony is pretty awesome!
Holy crap, that's a lot of toys! Thank you everyone!

A few days before X-mas at the park.

It's hard to find the courage to run down the bridge

See you next year!
J, B, and S

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009

We all had a great Thanksgiving even though we accidentally overcooked the turkey (not our fault, the pop-up thermometer things never popped up). But is was great spending the day with friends and family, though we missed the East coast contingent quite a bit!
Sulli and I went to our first Griz football game yesterday. It was cold and the fans were crazy, but the Griz dominated and I think we had a good time...
Missoula refuses to have any real snow this year, darned El Nino! But we are about to get our first snap of real cold, highs in the single digits with ridiculous wind-chills. We will have to find lots of things to do because Sulli doesn't like being stuck in the house.
We are going to get our tree today! I can't wait.
Sulli is saying words now. His favorite are Dada (#1 for sure), Mama, cheese, Babo (his ugly doll), din-din, Poo, Bee, and baby. It's amazing how much he is changing right now!
Love you all!
Jess, Ben, and Sulli

I love this one, Sulli pretending to be a Navy Seal

Ready for the Griz game!

Sulli having a good time???

Ookerbear and Bootsie, oops I mean June and Julie (who Sulli is now calling 'Bee')

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Just a quick mid month post. I have become addicted to making pictures pretty using photoshop so there are lots of pics already this month. Love you all,
Jess, Ben, and Sulli

Sulli and his buddy Mason at the park