Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6, 2012

I want to dedicate this post to Phil Cooper.  One of the most fascinating men I have ever known.  I hope your suffering ends soon and I love you.

Sulli baked a cake for Mimi's birthday, and then ate only the icing

He did a good job

Yearly party at the PEAS farm

Giant pile of pig shit to play on!

And hay bales to jump off of

Ran into his school buddy Judah at the party

Sore ankle from one too many leaps off of the hay bales

Sulli and Judah

Chalk robot with "blue power!"

We have been fluctuating between beautiful, clear days and smoke filled apocolyptic ash falling from the sky crap.  This is said crap.

So we got out of dodge and headed to the lake

Mrs. Boaty boat suffered an injury over the winter and we thought that we might have lost her.  Ben, industrious fellow that he is, fixed her.  She doesn't really like to shift into reverse so still needs some tweaking, but she runs!

Coops has turned into the ultimate boat dog

Sulli and Max quickly took over any open floor space


And cake baking attempt #2, the boys were very helpful

 Chrissy and Skip brought their boat too so the boys, of course, took having 2 boats as an opportunity to argue over whose boat we would take out onto the lake. They worked it out.


 Pretty awesome watching Benny get thrown about like a plastic bag in the wind, and just as beautiful

Towel lounging popsicle eating

Angry birds tutorials

Pre bed-time boat rides.  I love that Sulli asked to go for a boat ride before bed!

Max and Skip

I love this lake!

Movies on the laptop

We took the boat over to Camp Tuffit which is just a bit further down the lake from our cabin.  I have never been there and it is totally awesome.  It has lots of little cabins to rent.

It has signs like this

A meeting area for nightly entertainment

And a little store like Honeyrock did

A place for people to make music

And eat baked goods.  I think it would be a fantastic option for a family vacation!

We came home from the lake and all the sudden it is footy pajama weather

Grandpa Malouf plays with Sulli like no one else does.  It is one of Sulli's favorite things and often he will look at me exasperated and say "can you just pretend to be Grandpa" when I am not playing with him correctly