February is probably my least favorite month living in MT. Winter is winding down and we are just waiting for spring, it is a long wait. So, in efforts to find more fun things to do we have added a painting/drawing area in the kitchen and, thanks to a link from Carter, made a very popular construction area in the living room. Sulli has been repeatedly making a barn for Farmer Pickles, a series of railway tracks, and a dairy farm.

We are under no illusions here that the hormonal effects of giving Carter and Ken their baby won't be significant, so please meet our need-to-nurture fulfiller.

He is a 4 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Sulli and I went to visit him today and met his dog Mommy. He won't be ready to come home any time soon but that works for us.

Sulli is insistent that he be named "Jobbie". Insistent! Right down to how Jobbie is spelled. I am not sure how to handle this but the damn dog will probably end up being called Jobbie, poor thing.
In exchange for welcoming a new pet into our home, we are, sigh, giving away our chickens. One of Ben's professors will be taking them and we know they will be well cared for. Ben can no longer handle the never ending supply of chicken shit (it's not my favorite either), and we are both worried about having so much poop in the yard and tracked into the house on our shoes when the baby comes. I am sad but I know I can go visit them whenever I want to.