One word. Spring!
Things are melting, there is grass to be played on, puddles to stomp in, and flowers blooming! Sulli is a much happier kid these days, even though he still drives me and Ben insane with his evening fit throwing. Why does dinner time have to suck so bad!
Sulli has finally figured out that he can climb out of his bed to play with his toys, turn on the light, and open his door. We have woken up a few times with Sulli at the foot of the bed asking if he can watch cartoons. I don't know why he even asks since he knows how to turn the TV on all by himself. It's like he grew up overnight.
Ben and I spent last weekend at Ashley Lake with some friends. Sulli hung out with Grandma and Grandpa (thank you again!!!). The lake was beautiful and in Montana fashion, sunny and warm one day and covered in snow the next. We had a wonderful time even though we missed Sulli. We called him as we were heading home he told Ben that he was "just so sad" that we were gone. It is only recently that he has been able to express emotions like this, heartbreaking! He can also smell things all the sudden. He will sniff like a dog and ask "what's that I smell?" He can smell chocolate from a mile away.
We picked out the preschool that Sulli will go to next autumn. It is a Montessori school and is 2 blocks from our house. I think Sulli will love it and am absolutely certain that he is ready for school. He is a pretty smart dude and I think he will enjoy the challenge.

This is Blue. He is the english lab puppy that our friends just got and brought to the lake. He is so cute! I love him.

A 2000 peice Starry, Starry Night puzzle that the four of us spent hours working at and barely made any headway on. An exercise in futility but a nice way to spend lazy days.

And we sat by the fire lots. Missoula has a huge air quality problem in the winter so we never light our fireplace. The fire was so nice!
Sulli got a fish which he named Nemo, of course, after his most recent eye doctor visit. The eye doctor visits are super traumatic for Sulli since they have to dilate his damn eyes every single visit. The verdict on the droopy eye is that we are supposed to start patching his other eye again which sucks, and he should have surgery on it when he is 5 or 6, which is better than having to have surgery now. In the surgery they will take the fibrotic tissue that developed where his levator muscle should have been and sling it up to the muscles that lift his eyebrow. He will then learn to use his eyebrow to lift his eyelid. They want to wait until he is 5 so that the eyebrow muscle will be better developed.