Just a quick mid month post. I have become addicted to making pictures pretty using photoshop so there are lots of pics already this month. Love you all, Jess, Ben, and Sulli
We had a busy night of running all over town to show Monkey Sulli off to the Missoula grandparents, great g-ma, and friends. I dressed as a 1950's housewife (inspired by Mad Men, which by the 2nd season is turning into a very good show) and Ben was my demon 1950'2 husband. We, of course, have a pet monkey and a deformed, half demon baby, but I am oblivious, as most 1950's housewives are, and happy as long as my martini glass is full. The best Halloween I have had in a long time!
Sulli continues to get faster and faster and more and more insane as every day passes. He always has at least 1 bruise from bonking his head on something. Is this normal? Anyway, he is on a hunger strike and is driving us a bit mad. He will take the food, chew the food, and then spit the food out and throw it at us. Fun times!
Sulli has become our evening entertainment. At night, he gets naked time and goes completely nuts. Enjoy the videos!
We love you all and hope you had great Halloweens too! Jess, Ben, and Sulli